Alloy Wheel Repairs

Alloy Wheel Refurbishment

Restore your alloy wheels to factory finish or customise to enhance the look of your car. Alloy wheel refurbishment is available in a wide variety of styles and finishes.

Alloy Wheel Straightening

Potholes can damage wheels, suspension, and tyres affecting performance and safety. We use specialist equipment to straighten alloy wheels and can repair corroded & cracked wheels.

Mobile SMART Repairs and Alloy Wheel Refurbishment

If you have invested in a set of alloy wheels for your vehicle, you’ll want to keep them looking as goods as new. The cost of alloy wheel repair or refurbishment is a fraction of the price of replacement but is by no means a compromise.

We revive scuffed and kerb damaged wheels with our smart repair service at your home or place of work. We repair the damage on-site and repaint and lacquer your alloys.

Alloy wheel repairs

Improve the look and increase the value of your vehicle. Scratched, scuffed, tarnished or kerbed alloy wheels can be easily repaired at your home or place of work while you go about your daily business.

A trained technician will remove the wheels and carry out repairs inside a custom fitted vehicle. Wheels are machined, colour matched, re-primed, painted and then lacquered to a durable finish.

Polished and colour coded wheels

All makes of alloy wheels including polished and diamond-cut rims can be SMART repaired. We can also carry out colour changes to alloy wheels in our mobile unit excluding polished and diamond-cut wheels). We will match to the colour of your existing wheels or can colour code wheels to a colour of your choice. We stock a range of colours however please advise us at the time of booking so that we can ensure an exact colour match.

Mobile Smart Repairs

From a beloved run around to prestige and luxury vehicles, Dented Pride offer the same high levels of service and diligence.

  • We are fully mobile and visit you at your home or place of work to carry out repairs.
  • All makes of alloy wheels undertaken.
  • Cracked, chipped, scraped, scuffed, kerbed, dented and corroded – all types of repairs carried out.
  • Badly kerbed or corroded diamond cut wheels – it is recommended that they are fully refurbished in the workshop and re-diamond cut. A SMART repair will hide the damage but there will be a contrast in the finish from the hand polished areas to the diamond cut areas.

Important – If SMART repairs are required on your alloy wheels it is very important that there is no tyre shine on your tyres as this will affect the paint finish. Tyres need to be completely dry and free of tyre shine.

Call Mike  07966 897299

Alloy wheels with brake calipers painted orange

Brake callipers painted

Are you fed up with rusty-looking brake callipers? Smarten up your wheels with hand-painted callipers. Choose from a variety of colours to complement your vehicle’s overall look for a personalised touch. From £90 including paint for a set of wheels.


LArge pot hole causing damage to an alloy wheel.

Buckled or Cracked Alloys

Potholes can cause serious damage to wheels, suspension and tyres affecting performance and safety. Our techniques include wheel straightening machinery and welding to repair cracked and buckled wheels.


Get In Touch

Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 6EE


Monday to Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed

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